Level 18
MP Cost: 16 MP
Ecosystem: Arcana
Type: Physical (Blunt)
Target: Single enemy
Spell Modifiers CHR 30%
Set Point Cost: 2 Set Points
Casting Time: 0.5 Seconds
Recast Time: 11.75 Seconds
Stat Bonus: STR+1


Obtained from Monster Family: Cardian
TP Moves Effect
Bludgeon Delivers a threefold attack.
Deal Out Front Damage Attack plus Knockback
Special Notes on Monster and it's TP Moves

None of the Cardian moves are difficult to deal with if the Cardian's level is near yours.


Obtaining the Spell
Minimum Blue Mage Level Needed To Acquire Spell: Level 8
Bludgeon is best hunted in the Outer Horutoto Ruins.

This spell can be soloed starting around level 8. No party is needed.

No special medicines are needed.

Cardian Hunting Grounds Camp #1
Name Level Location
Two of Batons/Coins/Cups/Swords 1-5 Outer Horutoto Ruins
Three of Batons/Coins/Cups/Swords 5-9 Outer Horutoto Ruins

Proceed to the Lilac tower located at H-3 in East Sarutabaruta.

Once in the Lilac tower there are many 'Two of' and 'Three of' Cardians of various suits to either side. The locations are circled in red on the map above. Some spawn in the small side rooms. The Cardians can aggro and will link! Be sure you are of level to deal with multiple mobs. Some NM Shadows can spawn in the side rooms and are of much higher level. Take care when opening doors.



Cardian Hunting Grounds Camp #2
Name Level Location
Two of Batons/Coins/Cups/Swords 1-5 Outer Horutoto Ruins
Three of Batons/Coins/Cups/Swords 5-9 Outer Horutoto Ruins
Four of Batons/Coins/Cups/Swords 10-14 Outer Horutoto Ruins
Five of Batons/Coins/Cups/Swords 15-19 Outer Horutoto Ruins
Six of Batons/Coins/Cups/Swords 20-24 Outer Horutoto Ruins
Seven to Ten of Batons/Coins/Cups/Swords 25-44 Outer Horutoto Ruins

For some Blue Mages, the low level Cardians in Camp #1 can be annoying. It takes a long time for them to build TP to WS, and even a few hits can kill them. There are some stronger ones easily reached in Camp #2 that can take more of a beating. It is suggested you be level 16 or higher to use this camp.

Proceed to the tower located at F-11 in West Sarutabaruta.

Once in the tower there are many 'Two of' to 'Six of' Cardians of various suits in each of the small rooms.

They are scattered as follows:

a: 2 Fives, b: 3 Fives, c: 2 Sixes, d: 3 Twos, e: 3 Fours, f: 3 Sixes, g: 2 Twos, h: 3 Threes, i: 2 Threes

There are even higher Cardians in the secret area on the East side of the map behind the cracked wall. They are very high level with respect to the level you will be when you wish to hunt this spell. Avoid them.

The Cardians can aggro and will link! Be sure you are of level to deal with multiple mobs if you choose to hunt here. It can be very dangerous.

It is suggested that you kill off the lower 2's and 3's as you advance to the 4's which will be T to a level 16 when you might hope to hunt here.



Special notes about the spell a Blue Mage may like to know
Can I solo it? Yes. With proper care you should have no problems by level 10 to 12 in camp #1
Do I need any special items? No, though a low damage weapon to feed the Cardian TP helps.
Do Cardians like to use the move? Yes, with only two moves to choose from, they pull it out often.
This Spell is a must have for all Blue Mages, and will be one of your most used for many levels. Cardians may be the forgetten monster family by all other jobs, but Blue Mages forever thank them for Bludgeon.
The spell deals a threefold attack that is classed as Hand-to-Hand blunt damage.
Bludgeon can be paired with Smite of Rage to create the Undead Killer Trait.

Do you have more information on this spell, or a better/new way to hunt it? Send an e-mail here, with the words: Blue Mage Spells in the subject line. We'll consider your information in the next page update.

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